Custom order upload

Custom order upload

This feature allows you to place a custom order for special products or public tenders. The upload functions similarly to what you would typically encounter when using the .csv import order. 

With this functionality, you now can place all your orders (regular and custom), manage all orders (view changes made) and, track all your orders (view delivery dates) inside the UF PRO b2b platform.

How to upload your custom order

1. Click on "UPLOAD ORDER" in the navigation menu. This opens a popup and allows you to select the type of order you are placing.

2. Select "CUSTOM ORDER".

3. This opens the second screen where you need to fill out basic project information.

Fields you need to fill out are:

Who is the end customer?*

Fill out the name of the organization you are placing the order for. Example: Slovenian Intelligence and Security Agency - SOVA

When is the desired delivery date?*

Insert the date of when we need to deliver the products. Example: 07-July-2022 or Sep-2022

Any additional information?*

Provide additional information about the project you need us to know about and that makes processing your order easier.

4. Click on submit.

5. An order overview window opens, where you can review your order.

Under delivery and Price/Unit you'll see a TBC (To Be Communicated) icon displayed in case the items are not available from our regular UF PRO assortment. Our sales administration will change them once the order has been confirmed and we'll update the dates on your order overview.

In case some items were not uploaded correctly, they will be displayed down below. You can review these items, change them in the .csv file and reupload the order.

Once you have reviewed the order click on CONTINUE.

6. Fill out the shipping information the same as you would with a regular order.

7. Order overview screen opens. Review the information and click "PLACE ORDER".

How to format the .csv upload file

The .csv file for the project order upload is the same as it would be for a regular order, with the addition of a special field for custom sizes. If you need any assistance with the file and how to format it correctly contact us here.

The file has to have 2 fields in this order, to upload it successfully to our b2b platform.

  1. Product code (light green)
  2. Quantity (dark green)
  3. Optional: Custom size
  4. Optional: Product name. useful for reviewing the order.

After you are done, make sure to export the excel .xlsx file into a .csv format (delimiter has to be a comma).

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