Invoices 101
Alternately you can navigate to >>Orders and click on the order you're interested in. You are going to find all invoices connected to this order at the bottom of the page.
Depending on your payment conditions, you'll either receive a proforma invoice (for prepayments) or an invoice (for delayed payment) every time a dispatch is ready. When a proforma invoice is paid it is replaced with an invoice.
- Each dispatch has always one invoice
- One order can have multiple dispatches
- One invoice can include products from different orders
- Shipping costs are added to invoices and are not included in the order value
Proforma invoices for ASAP products are generated automatically and are available on the platform immediately after placing the order.
When a proforma invoice is generated the products are reserved for 10 days. In case the proforma invoice isn't paid within 10 days, the dispatch is automatically cancelled.