Invoice Insights

Whenever a new invoice is generated, you can get more information about it by navigating to “Invoices“ and by clicking the button “More“ next to your desired invoice. On this page you can do the following things:
  1. Download the invoice
  2. See which products are included in the delivery
  3. Export the data
  4. See which orders are connected to this invoice

Download the invoice

Download the invoice by clicking the “Download PDF“ button in the top right corner.

See which products are included in the delivery

You can see which products are included in the invoice in the main table. Under the column O.N. (order number) you can see from which order each product originated.

Export the data

You can export the product data either as a PDF or CSV document by clicking the icons below.

See which orders are connected to this invoice

You can see a list of all orders that are connected to this invoice in the section below.

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